Data Leak Testing

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DLP Toolbox


DLP Email Testing

Data Loss (DLP) Email Self Test

To detect Data Loss over email ; Send an email from your corporate mail client to

If the email is successfully received you will get a response email within a few minutes.

If the Data Security product worked the email would have been blocked and no reply will be received. If a reply is received then the data was successfully leaked.



How to test email for Data Loss (DLP)

1) Open your corporate mail client
2) Send an email to:
3) Add the test data into the email body or atachment or both
4) Send the Email
5) Immediately will reply if the email was successful
     a. if the email was successful, the data you sent was leaked
     b. if you did not receive a reply, your data was not leaked

Send it an email and it will reply if the email was successful. If no reply then the email was blocked, be sure to check your spam folder for the reply...

How to use this page (3 min)

Just send us an email with your test data, use your mail client to test. The system will reply if data was leaked.

( Limited Access )


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